The End of One Road...

And so NaNoWriMo ends for me, one day early.  Final word count is 70,191 and 317 pages.  How do I feel about it ending?  I'm a little sad, but also beaming, knowing that I've written two more novels in The Courier series since the beginning of September.  I'm no longer complaining about what I've accomplished this year.

What's next?  I've decided to continue the story I started about a highly structured society that exists without creativity.  It's titled Nova's Magic and is about a 12 year old girl who discovers her imagination, and as a result she is cast out of her village.  I'm not writing it for publication.  It's one of those stories this writer just has to tell for herself.  And it's a perfect choice to fill in my daily 2000 words because I'm writing it as the story comes to me. 

I'm also planning on hitting the editing of The Courier pretty hard through the holidays.  I'll be popping in here to complain about my progress periodically, so stay tuned.  You'll also find me & R.J. writing about vampires over on the Bloodlegger's blog again, now that NaNoWriMo is over. 

But first, I need to do some house cleaning.  What are you doing now that NaNoWriMo is over?


Brock S. Henning said...

I meant to stop by at the end of November to see how you did with Nano. (I got busy with little writing unfortunately). Looks like you did awesome! Wow!

I bagged on it this year knowing I couldn't devote the time to pursue 60,000 words. I have started working on my first novel, more than anything to learn, so my goal in 2011 is simply to finish.

Great job!

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