Manuscript Mailed...Bottle of Wine Opened

YAY!!  I just got back from the post office about 30 minutes ago.  My manuscript is off to Canada, and I'm breathing a few sighs of relief.

I underestimated how long it would take me to type in the hand written stuff, so I finished typing up the longhand around 1:30 P.M. today.  Won't be doing that again. 

Now I wait for confirmation the 3-day Novel Contest has received the manuscript and a certificate I completed the contest.  I won't be holding my breath, waiting to see if I've won.  I submitted a second novel in a series and expect whoever reads Warrant for Damnation to be lost a bit because I still need to write in A LOT of the background from the first story.  Doesn't really matter though because I entered for the experience and to catch up on writing I should have finished earlier this year.  And being caught up FEELS SO GOOD!!

What am I doing next.  Well, Disneyland is out because, as an adult, I hate amusement parks!  Gotta do some work on the next part of Bloodleggers so R.J. can get to editing.  And I've already started writing the outline and describing new characters for the next in The Courier novel, which is still nameless.  NaNoWriMo here I come.

No writing this weekend though.  I plan to sit in a comfy chair and read God Emperor of Dune.  HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ALL!!


James Garcia Jr said...

Oh, man! I thought there would be wine here, but you meant just you. Damn!
Kidding, of course. Okay, maybe not.
Congrats, Wendy, and good luck. I just wanted to say hello. It's been too long. Take care of yourself,

W.J. Howard said...

Hey, I'm always up for sharing a bottle, and as soon as I can do it virtually...

Thanks a bunch, Jimmy!!

Brock S. Henning said...

Congratulations! You're insane! (and I'm envious) ;)

W.J. Howard said...

Thanks, Brock! You should try it next year. It'll take you to a whole new level.

Going to try NaNoWriMo with me in Novemeber?

Brock S. Henning said...

Ya know, I've been feeling the NaNoWriMo bug biting me this year. I know it'll do wonders for my writing. And hey, it's just one month and 50,000 words, right? Eh, no sweat. ;)

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