The Goals Thicken

Sorry everyone, but no more whining and complaining on Mondays, which means the Weekly Whine has officially retired. I have to thank Mary Martinez on Mysteries and Margaritas in her post Mary's Rants - Take the whine out of writing. Basically, complaining gets us nowhere, so I'm shifting my Monday focus to the positive.

What better place to begin that looking to the future. Now that half the year is essentially over, I've decided to focus on my goals for the remainder of 2010. I did a crappy job of following through on 'em the first half of this year and don't want a repeat for the second half. So I'm sharing with you the start of the goals I've set.

#1 - Finish releasing book #1 of The Courier by July 31st. I actually have the damn thing done, but it needs some minor editing for the first release on Twitter and the website.

#2 - Finish editing The Courier by October 31st. I'd prefer to get this done by September 30th, but added in another month just in case.

#3 - Complete Bloodlegger parts at least one month prior to its release on Blood Reads. R. J. and I made this promise together so that we don't get stressed out with each new deadline and release. FYI, the first part, written by R. J., releases in a couple days, on June 30th, and I'm pretty excited. The part I wrote release on July 14th.

#4 - Enter the 3 Day Novel Contest and write the second of The Courier novels. I know, I know, I said no more contests. This is different though. I'm doing it to get the first draft of the novel written and could care less if it places in the contest.

I've got a few others I'm still working through and will share them next week.

Oh, I'm also starting a blog hop support group for us crazy writers to help each other reach our goals. More to come tomorrow.


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