Book Review: Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

I read this book a couple months ago with mixed feelings. I never would have picked it up if it weren't for the book club.

Getting through the first part of the book was tough! The author goes into great detail about her life leading up to her trip to Italy, India and Indonesia. She’s very open about how neurotic she was while going through a divorce after realizing she didn’t want the traditional family lifestyle. Frankly, I wasn’t interested. The book got better after she left for Italy, the first country on her journey. Gilbert is a clear example and reminder of how we can make our lives difficult to live. While she grew on her spiritual journey, the end of the book leaves you thinking she has a long way to go. Hence the book deals for further journeys with the new husband she met in Indonesia.

All-in-all, I do recommend this book to women who are in a similar place as Gilbert at the beginning of the book.

RATING: 3 out of 5


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